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Texts in recordings

   Alleluia - music: Elaine Hagenberg

All shall be Amen and Alleluia.

We shall rest and we shall see.

We shall see and we shall know.

We shall know and we shall love.

Behold our end which is no end.

        St. Augustine (354-430 AD)

   Even when he is silent -

music: Kim Arnesen

I believe in the sun, even when it's not shining.

I believe in love, even when I feel it not.

I believe in God, even when he is silent.

        Text derived from an inscription found on a cellar wall of a building in Cologne used by Jewish families to hide from the Nazis in World War II.

   You are the new day - music & words: John David,

arr. Peter Knight

You are the new day.

I will love you more than me and more than yesterday

if you can but prove to me, you are the new day.

Send the sun in time for dawn, let the birds all hail the morning.

Love of life will urge me say, you are the new day.

When I lay me down at night, knowing we must pay,

thoughts occur that this night might stay yesterday.

Thoughts that we as humans small could slow worlds and end it all

lie around me where they fall, before the new day.

One more day when time is running out for everyone,

like a breath I knew would come I reach for a new day.

Hope is my philosophy, just needs days in which to be,

love of life means hope for me, borne on a new day.

You are the new day.

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